Monday, January 03, 2011

Of Nashes, Zuckerbergs, Gates and Jobs

I love reading and watching biographies. Specially those of people who have cracked it big time (well, there are not too many biographies of people who dont make it big ;) ). Yesterday night I saw the movie "The social network", which according to the the makers of the movie is the real story of the founding of Facebook - although Zuckerberg says he would have liked to be portrayed a bit less negative - and I was left wondering that there are so many things these Zuckerbergs & Jobs & Gates and for that matter the Nashes (A beautiful mind) have in common. To point out some of them

  1. All lost in their own little world, little to do with what others think and do
  2. All filled with passion to do what they like to do
  3. All with tremendous confidence in the idea they wanted to bring to life
  4. None with aspirations of money. None of them ran after the money, rather money came to them accompanying the satisfaction of doing what they really wanted to do
  5. All having the vision and the capability of thinking big and looking beyond borders and boundaries
Time and again people come up and stand out among the crowd of millions. Time and again someone somewhere comes up with an idea that many have thought of but few had the courage to sit down and give it a try. Few had the dedication and the commitment to go forward with it and to believe that it might shape into something big or even something "working".

While we were busy worrying about where the stock market is going or where we would go for our next vacations or from where will our next salary cheque come from, someone somewhere was so busy giving shape to his dream that nothing else seemed to matter.

Dreams come true when you dare to pursue them, when you dare to sacrifice your comfort, your leisure, your life. When loosing a couple of years of your life seems so insignificant in front of the dream you want to realize that you dont even think twice before giving them up. We love to live in our zone of comfort, spending years after years doing which least interests us, saving for a "tomorrow" which will never come, investing in houses, in something we can call "ours" & among all this we forget to invest in us, in what we really want to do or at some point in life we really wanted to so, which now seems to be a lost dream.

Lots of things to change and lots of decisions to be made but I am glad to realize that it is never too late :)

2 Human response(s):

aks said...

Agree, and no dreams can come true without the courage of taking risks to lose everything

Unknown said...

The point here is that you are in such a high conciousness level that its hard for people to be very deep in their thoughts and to leave behind interests, intentions and other things that becomes distractors that avoid them to really approach to you, with the only interest to hear what you have to say, with the only interest of accepting what you want to share.

But this is my friend just a prove that you have much more to teach others instead than to learn from others. It a strenght! not something to worry about.

Maybe your mission is to teach others. To touch the soul of other people in order to go back to the basics, haven't you even thought about that? (a lovely mission!)

It was really nice to know more about you, even this means I have to read it instead of hearing from you. But even in that way I loved to know more about your thoughts and your point of view of life! :)

Your friend...Lorenia.