Thursday, December 06, 2007

Being a D00d

Thinking deeply and observing a bit more closely than we normally do, all of us will realize that we are essentialy, “Alone”. By alone I don’t mean that we don’t have anyone around us to talk, or to share things. What I mean is no matter how close you consider a person to be, at some point or the other he/she will make you feel that you are all by yourself. That may happen unintentionally too, but it happens for sure. In the end, its your inner self only which we will be there to console you when you are all broken and down. And the person, due to which you are having those feelings inside, will be completely ignorant about all this & sometimes will be deliberately ignorant too. You may get frustrated and you will try your best not to think about him, but more u try to throw those things out, more they will return and hit you harder.

Ant its not that you always are on the receiving end. Sometimes you exchange positions and make others feel exactly the same. Hence, this applies to one and all. When some people say that they live in present and don’t care about what happened yesterday and don’t worry about what is going to happen tomorrow, their attitude seems to be a bit unnerving to me. But frankly speaking, they are the happiest people in the world. That’s actually the way to live, to be happy. I cannot idealize someone with that behavior, but a close friend of mine, D00d, is the nearest match. I hope I could change myself to be like that. But due to some close people, whom I love way too much and to whom I have attached myself so strongly (maybe the reverse is not true), I am not able to do the desired. After all, not all of us are’D00ds’ and not all of us are made the same way.

5 Human response(s):

Anonymous said...


He must be some guy..

By the way. The only way to come out of sadness is to have happy thoughts. Consouling will never help.

Anonymous said...

u get only one chance to live a life fren..
no worries..
good one man..
u got big ideas in de simplest of ways..

LordSauron said...

d00d, who's this d00d you're talking about.. and FYI i still have proprietary rights over the word "d00d"!

Dark Lord

Anonymous said...

D'00'D is a freaky way to pronounce dude! d00d actually reminds me of the a site called !!

Pratosh Dwivedi said...

He he he .. I thought of exactly the same when i heard it for the first time :)
But now, the word has somehow stuck with me, specially for this frnd of mine ...